Mono Top Stock Mens Toupees
The Mono Top stock toupees are a good choice due to their breathable top, durability of the Mono base, and their substantial PU enabling easy cleanup and stable hold. These are the largest stock toupees that we offer at 10”L x 8”W but can be trimmed as necessary. These hairpieces enable easy cleanup and comfortable wear.
Base: Mono Top
Max Size: 10”L x 8”W
Min Size: 7.5”L x 5”W
Density: Medium Light to Medium
Wave: Slight Wave
Front Curvature: CC
Hair Length: 6”
PU Back/Sides: 3” / 2”

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These mens hair pieces come with a slight wave

Trim to fit any size from 10” x 8”to 7.5”x 5”

Available in 11 colors with gray percentages 0% to 80% and 100% gray

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1. Prices mentioned are now outdated.
2. Review is general and may not be for this particular stock unit
This is our largest stock unit with breathable center at 10”L x 8”W, the mono base offers superior durability to lace without less appearance of knotting, and the PU (or thin skin) front with scallop offers less detectability compared to other PU around units
They are both very good units and both popular. The French lace is a little bit lighter but perhaps has more detectability on the hairline, not so meaningful if you have any kind of brush down style. The mono top mens toupees are the only PU-around-breathable-center hair replacement systems sized large at 10”x8” that we offer.
While we carry only medium light to medium in stock, you may order custom hair systems for men with any density you need including extra light or light.
There are many instructional videos on the web on how to trim the PU of a stock mens toupee. It’s not difficult and should take only 10 minutes.
Some people go to just a regular stylist, and this option can be the least expensive. Just explain to them in confidence that you are wearing and it would be advisable to take the length down slowly. Another option is to go to hair replacement stylist. We have a large list of these stylists in most states, call us to enquire.
At our volumes, Hairpiece Warehouse can purchase any toupee at costs that just a few dollars difference between one supplier and the next. We can purchase the best quality toupees so the answer is that our quality is the very top.